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Evaluation of organizational culture across 12+ critical dimensions, with insights for improvement based on specific context of the organization – smallest action for most significant impact.

This is divided into the following types & studies –

1. Culture as Experienced or Perceived

Culture Experience Score (CES):

Pronounced (Coded) Existing Culture vs. Actual Experienced Culture. When the organization has pronounced a culture, Empanetics evaluates how well the same is experienced, and provides a score for reference.

Frequency of Study:

a) For companies with a 3-digit+ annual growth rates = Once a year

b) For companies with 1-2 digit annual growth rates

Perceived Culture
Data (PCD):

when there isn’t a pronounced (coded) culture, Empanetics studies the crowd perception and provides insights that help to make desirable changes.

NOTE: Basic advice for culture fine-tuning based on global best practices is provided as a part of CES and PCD.

2.Culture as Expected

Expected Culture Data

For a <750 Employee company, Empanetics gathers insights on expected culture from the management, including the board of directors.

For >750 Employee companies, Empanetics gathers insights on expected culture through crowd wisdom i.e. company’s employees (other stakeholders like Customers and Partners may be included, depending on feasibility of the study).

Climate Score (CS):

Ideal Culture vs. Perceived Culture.

A detailed report on ideal contextual culture is provided at the level of the

organization as well as for each key function/ department.

NOTE: Detailed advice for culture development based on the specific context of the organization is provided as a part of ECD and CS.Context is defined as the result of Industry, Region, Stage, Age, Workforce, 3-Year Goals and Strategy.

Frequency of Study:

a) For companies with a 3-digit+ annual growth rates = Once a year

b) For companies with 1-2 digit annual growth rates = Once in 2 years = Once in 2 years


Comprehensive 360-degree evaluation of how leaders’ action-drivers are perceived by their team, peers, and other stakeholders, with insights on Trust and Dissonance. Following scores are provided as part of this study –

Leader's Trust Score (TS):

This provides a leader with a reference point to fine tune their communication and/or action-drivers to increase their trust with the relevant stakeholders.

Leader's Dissonance Score (DS):

This provides a leader a view into the possible point of value-conflict, thereby segue into providing an understanding of its impact on their stress-levels at work.

Organization-level Cross-
Functional Alignment Score (XfAS):

This provides the CEO & CHRO as a reference point to enhance the perception of their organization.

100% leaders at 100% Trust Score (Ideal situation) means that this organisation’s leaders work in tandem to deliver what they intend to deliver to their market.

Important: All response-data are entirely anonymized to aid candid responses. Leaders’ Reports are shared with leaders only. Report empowers the leadership to align their action-drivers with the organization’s performance and objectives, and support efforts to create a positive culture.


Culture Analytix

For Sustainable Goal Achievement

Evaluate your culture’s perception across 12+ vital dimensions. Curate insights for impactful change


Action-Driver Analytix

For Cross-Functional Collobration

360-degree evaluation of leaders’ action-drivers, perceived across critical contexts


Your Culture

For Sustainable Growth

Leverage similarities, embrace differences, align perception for personalized interventions and optimal results


Alignment Prompt

For Reinforcements

Consistent individual reinforcements to change perception of action-drivers


Pulse Check

For Proactive Awareness

AI-powered quarterly reports unveiling the experienced culture. Insights delivered by AI



For Cross-Cultural Collaboration at scale

Empathetic collaboration service, enhancing multi-cultural intelligence, enabling effective teamwork

Organizational Culture Analytix

Culture Experience Score

    Leaders' Action-Driver Analytics

      Craft Your Culture

      Expected Culture Data

        Action Alignment Prompt

          Cultivate Empathy

            Continuous Pulse Check

              Organizational Culture Analytix

              Perceived Culture Data

                Craft Your Culture

                Culture Alignment Index

                  Start with the Workshop


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