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Congratulations! You've taken a crucial step towards cultivating trust in your workplace.
Now, let's dive right in and make progress together!

HITW provides an
experiential learning
on trust dynamics
Theory + Simulations.

Aims to transform XFN Conflicts to Collaborations by augmenting Talent’s capabilities
in assessing interpersonal risks, fostering an environment of swift decision-making,
fired up work energy and consistent value delivery to stakeholders.


10 minutes


5 minutes

Importance of Trust​

The critical role that trust plays in personal and professional relationships.

30 minutes

Meaning and Process of Trust

The definition of trust and biopsychosocial factors that determine trust.

30 minutes​

Vectors of Trust​

The interdependent traits evaluated for trustworthiness.

30 minutes​

Degrees of Trust

The different levels of trust that exist.

75 minutes​

Decision-Making Simulations

Games with Live Experience of contextual trust.

Tarun Agarwala

Founder & CEO, Empanetics
Social Neuroscience Researcher
Member, Indian Academy of Neurosciences

Combining over 20 years
in consulting
with social neuroscience,
game theory, and power of AI
to scale empathy in organization,
by enhancing workplace collaboration
and trust.

"The concepts of trust vectors and degrees have already proven to be valuable
tools in our leadership toolkit."

-- Talent Lead - Multinational Bank, Europe

Key Outcomes

Capability to Assess Interpersonal Trust

Participants will learn to apply critical thinking and overcome dispositional bias to modulate trust towards their peers, team and leaders, improving camaraderie.

Pace and Quality of Decision-Making

10X sensitivity towards successful cross-functional collaboration, improving pace and quality of decision-making.

Higher Appreciation of Diversity

Organization-level sensitization on building interpersonal trust, leading to improved candor and appreciation of diversity.


Participants will receive a High-Impact Trust Workshop Completion Certificate


Organizations -


Committed to tackle market threats or exploit novel opportunities (must)


Promoting Cultural Diversity


Navigating Mergers, Acquisitions, or Restructuring


Seeking improved organizational health through Empathy and Trust Building


Startups Scaling Up and needing to establish foundational trust among new and existing members



Sales, Marketing, Product, Operations dependent on cross-functional speed (must)


Experiencing signs of low trust like dysfunctional conflicts, poor collaboration, or high turnover


Experiencing transitions or rapid growth

Group 44

All Members of the Organization.

Organizations -

Box Important

With well-established trust dynamics

Cancel (1)

Lacking commitment to invest in organizational culture, leadership development, or employee well-being

Cancel (1)

With highly independent operational units

Cancel (1)

With a strictly hierarchical or authoritative culture

Cancel (1)

Industries not reliant on team collaboration

Cancel (1)

Organizations with less than 50 employee Workforce

Cancel (1)

Startups in Early Stages that are still in the process of forming their core team

It's a must-have for any organization serious about strengthening trust and

-- VP, HR - Mobile Marketing Unicorn

Feel it’s for You?

Please fill this brief form allowing us to connect with you personally. Upon submission, we’ll schedule a call to
discuss your specific needs and preferences. Do check your spam folder just in case our email takes a detour!

Together, let’s pave the way for a more empathetic and trusting workplace environment.

    “Trust is the bedrock not just for the customer but also for the employees and every other stakeholder in our ecosystem. There is a strong interplay in these relationships and each of those relationships is built on enormous trust and expectation.”

    Campbell Wilson
    CEO and MD, Air India.

    Have a question? 


    What our customers have to say

    Organizational Culture Analytix

    Culture Experience Score

      Leaders' Action-Driver Analytics

        Craft Your Culture

        Expected Culture Data

          Action Alignment Prompt

            Cultivate Empathy

              Continuous Pulse Check

                Organizational Culture Analytix

                Perceived Culture Data

                  Craft Your Culture

                  Culture Alignment Index

                    Start with the Workshop


                      Your commitment to building a high-trust organization is commendable.

                      We will connect with you shortly.